November 5, 2015

Attacking the Volleyball Question

At a high school volleyball tournament in between games I saw a man teaching his daughter or someone else on the team how to hit the ball off center in order to make it go not where you are looking. Kind of like hitting a cue ball off center in order to put English on it. 

Although you are not trying to spin the ball you are trying to hit it in a different direction. Does anyone do that in college. Any other tips for hitting someplace other than where you are looking would be appreciated. Or is that even a part of the game? 


Depending upon the level of collegiate play, the attackers can alter the attack angle but most will not routinely hit the ball off center.  Attacking the ball off center tends be a unique situation or emergency maneuver.

Collegiate attackers tend to adjust the angle of their hand and wrist when attacking, not so much their contact point.  Hitting the ball off center has two significant negatives; 1) it can lead to shoulder injury, 2) it reduces power.

Unfortunately, I have seen #1 all too often, as attacking off center places undue stress upon the shoulder, especially when engaging with a full power armswing.  With regards to #2, collegiate defenders are extremely talented, and while the misdirection upon the ball may 'fool' them for an instant, the defender can recover to make a play upon the ball since it is not traveling at max speed.

It is physically better and more effective to change angles of attack my manipulating the hand/wrist,while attacking at a consistent point upon the ball.  Slight change in wrist/hand angle can accomplish a large degree in attack angle, which can better overwhelm the defense.

An attacker's first priority is to hit the ball as to keep the ball in play, or what collegiate coaches call "hit a zero ball".  Then, depending on many factors, the second priority is to try for a kill.  Since there is always a block in college, the attacker must decide what angles offer the best opportunity for a kill, dependent upon the block - Is the line open, is the angle open, it there a hole in the block, is the block tall/short, etc.

The advice I have for a younger/developing player is to work on consistent contact with the ball - You have to be consistent in your attack point upon the ball before you can be successful changing your wrist/hand angle during the swing.


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