October 16, 2017

Collegiate Beach Volleyball 5th year?

Hey coach!

I am a D1 indoor volleyball player who was an outstanding beach player as well. I will play all 4 years indoor and want to use my 5th year to play beach somewhere. I could graduate a semester early if that would make me more valuable. When do I contact beach coaches? What is a legal way to contact beach coaches?



Good question - This gets a little tricky, and I want to make sure you are following the rules.  I say tricky, because I am not sure exactly when you are allowed to reach out about transferring for a 5th year of eligibility.  

A number of players are now looking at changing sports for their 5th year and competing in basketball, softball or sand.

To this end, the person who knows the answer is your Compliance Officer in the Athletic Department; you can usually find out exactly who the Compliance Officer is by looking on your school's athletic website, under Staff Directory.

This person can tell you when you are allowed to reach out to collegiate beach programs, if you will need a Permission to Contact letter, answer your question about graduating early and the timing of a transfer.  In addition, because of the ever changing NCAA Rules (and remember that each sport, in each division/governing body will have its own set of rules), the absolute best person to check with is your Compliance officer.

For all my readers, when in doubt about any rule or protocol, go to your Compliance Officer within the athletic department.

Good luck!

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