January 20, 2014

Volleyball Recruiting Education Talk in Hawaii

As many of my VolleyFamilies know, I love the beach and being near the ocean.  I am fortunate that my best friend is a 'local boy' and lives on Oahu. This has allowed me to afford to travel often to the islands and connect with the volleyball community - Hawaii and Puerto Rico are the two volleyball cultures in the USA.

I am starting to get the winter shakes, so it is time for a trip to Paradise!  During this visit, I have been asked to give my Recruiting Education Talk on Thursday, the 23rd of January at 6:15 p.m. in the Manoa Park Gymnasium.  

This is an 'open' talk, available to any VolleyFamilies which want to come receive great information on managing the craziness of college volleyball recruiting.

I have no idea how many of my readers are from Oahu, but if you are available, please come on over to the Manoa Park Gymnasium!

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